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Massively improved error handling when connecting to SEB Server with better error messages which can help SEB Server and exam administrators to fix server-side issues.New in 3.2.4: When using the optional SEB Server, an SEB client can be locked (with a red lock screen with optional, individual message) and unlocked again by the server.Optional features which need to be individually configured and are disabled by default Fixed reload key shortcut not enabled correctly according to reload settings and selected window (main/additional).Latest TeamViewer version wasn't blocked by default.Fixed red lock screen after user switch disappeared without user action.Fixed: Force Click lookup was working in the modern WebView.Fixed crash when closing some web pages.Now downloads of any file types and "blob:"-generated files are possible when using the modern WebView and macOS 11.3 or newer.Fixed downloads of website generated files (using "data:" protocol scheme) in modern WebView.Also resetting previous download paths when reconfiguring SEB.

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by only allowing to upload the same file downloaded before" policy, which was not working in the modern WebView. Now also correctly handling PDF files in modern WebView when downloading is disabled (then PDF files even with a "download" link are displayed instead of downloaded).Now checking if download directory is correctly set when performing download in WKWebView.Now also showing "Downloads not Allowed" alert in modern WebView if settings don't allow downloads and in one case for downloads in classic WebView on macOS.Fixed download directory bug from SEB 3.2.3 for macOS.Modal alerts were sometimes displayed behind the black background covering windows. Fixed: Untimely modal alert freezes SEB.Fixed: Force Click lookup was working in the classic WebView on macOS 13 Ventura.

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SEB 3.2 Improves the optional support for SEB Server and adds many stability improvements. See release notes for all changes and read the manual for more information. Updated browser engine to version 111.2.20 (Chromium version 1.65).Various accessibility improvements and bugfixes.Added basic user agent for network resource requests.Implemented new configuration option to show or hide the path of file system elements.Implemented session integrity verification.Implemented custom browser exam key defined by server.

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  • Implemented basic mechanism for app signature key (ASK) exchange.
  • Below a list of the most prominent new features and changes: This feature update adds the App Signature Key functionality for server sessions, contains the new server-driven Browser Exam Key and brings a new configuration option for the file system dialog along with various accessibility improvements as well as important bug fixes. Safe Exam Browser 3.5.0 for Windows 8.1, 10 and 11

    Save wizard download free