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Radars and just eyesight makes it really easy to determine where people are. You could move camera instantly, but your weapons slowly catch up(unless that's hacked too, but that's a lot more complex than just reading game info and making an overlay to match), same for steering and movement, it's not all reliant on mouse speed, it's limited in the game as well. I can't see much value in using the in Crossout anyways because weapon aiming movement isn't instant like in some real FPS games(EG Counterstrike).

More explanation, purely for informational purposes.Įxample: If it's a wall hack, the enemy will be outlined in red(maybe white) even when behind things, either the exact character shape or with a box, often with lines drawn from a point so you know general direction even if they're off your screen. An actual ESP hack will be an animated overlay of the game, not some picture off to the side. However, these are just stills, static(non-moving) picture overlays.

Youtube "ESP" hack to see them in various games.